
I feel a strong personal responsibility to inform the public of the research that I do, why it is important, and the broader context of my work. I also believe that providing the public with a basic understanding of biology is critical to the success of both basic and applied sciences.


In my previous position as the Public Outreach Coordinator for the UCLA La Kretz Center, I helped design and launch from the ground up the public outreach program, The La Kretz Leauge. The goal of this program is to provide an opportunity for people of the greater Los Angeles area to interact with local scientists, graduate student and postdoctoral researchers, and agency leaders so that they can become informed of the ongoing work being done to protect and preserve local resources. In two years, this program has attracted nearly 100 members and continues to grow. To learn more, visit the La Kretz League.


Below, you can find a few of the projects, organizations, and events that am involved with to get in touch with people and projects outside of my daily grind!



Leading locals on a hike to find salamanders in LA





Reptile and Amphibian Appreciation Day

Taking prospective graduate students to Point Dume and Zuma Beach to bird watch.

Showing visiting K-12 students how to sample and identify stream macroinvertebrates.

The La Kretz League sponsored public screening of DAMNATION at the LA NHM outdoor garden.

Mentoring undergraduate students and  helping them to deliver their presentations on newts and TTX!

Working with La Kretz Center colleagues at the Los Angeles Urban Nature Fest to educate the public about native herps.